No. Things cost money and we want to make this project work for you guys. Without some kind of funds, the label cannot run.
Yes. Mastering will be done by Millenium Mastering in Sydney, Aus. (See IDMf Retrospective Vol. 2 (IDMf068) for reference)
Why release with Glitchpulse when I can just put my music on the internet myself?
Glitchpulse Records has over 4800 followers on SoundCloud and 2500 Followers on Bandcamp. We offer free premium mastering at no cost to you. We pay the distribution fees and promote your release through various channels (webzine, socials etc). We provide artwork if you cannot. You have the benefit of being another release in the catalog of esteemed label alumni. We do the work.
What about licensing?
We will still be working under Creative Commons for now.
Will the music still be owned by the artist?
Yes, you still own the copyright to your music, and you are free to put it up wherever you want. We only ask that you shout out to the label.
Will you promote the music?
Yes, various efforts will be made to promote your work, mainly through social media and webzine reviews. We will make best effort to extend the reach into other mediums.
Do we need your music?
Yes! Please submit your music if you have something. Bear in mind we will only be accepting high quality music. Please also tell your friends.
Will we still be running “open-genre” compilations?
Ideally, yes. Once a year should suffice. But this requires your participation.
How many releases per year will you be doing?
At the moment we really only have the bandwidth to be doing one per month. If we have a bigger team, and we are making more money, then this will allow for more releases.
What is happening with the Retrospective Volumes?
We will still be doing these up untill the end of the year, and the goal is to release them or at least in part on vinyl ready for Christmas. These will be the last of the IDMf cat numbers. Everything else will be released under GPR0xx
Do you have plans to release more physical media?
It is on our discussion board.
Where do we send our submissions?
See our Submit Your Music page for more information